Citrine designs and delivers epic events

because we believe events and experiences are a catalyst for culture. 


The #1 most important driver of fulfillment at work is whether or not you are building relationships with people.

Think about when you felt most fulfilled at work… What did that look like? What were the conditions like and who was around you? On the flip side, think about when you felt most belittled and dehumanized at work. Who, if anyone, was around you at those dark moments?

The primordal importance of relationships make sense; we’re inherently social creatures. As far back as we can trace, people have traveled, hunted, and thrived in social groups. There is a reason prisoners are locked up in solitary confinement as punishment. 

Feeling socially connected, especially in an increasingly lonely and isolated world, is more important than ever.

And that’s where Citrine comes in. We bring people together. We help people get to know each other. We get people excited to come to work.

You can think of Citrine as a life giving force. We are on a mission to radically rejuvenate corporate life and culture – to restore more fun, light and joy to people’s days. Because how you spend your days, is how you spend your lives. Are you with us?